Different Quality of Wool Fiber from the World’s Various Regions
The raising of sheep for wool fiber is now an important industry in many countries and the quality of different wools is correspondingly diverse. The merino sheep, which produces fine, soft wool, forms the basis of wool production in Australia, South Africa, and South America. Immense flocks of merinos are raised in these countries.
The quality of the merino wool fiber from these sources depends upon environmental conditions and the hereditary characteristics of the sheep. Port Philip wool is reputed to be the finest Australian fiber and is used for making high-quality woolen and worsted fiber. Sydney and Adelaide wools are not quite as fine as Port Philip and they are a shade yellower in color. Tasmanian wool fiber is of first-rate quality and washes a beautiful white.
South Africa
Wool fiber from South Africa is very crimped or wavy and has a good white color after washing. It is used for good quality worsteds and woolens.
South America
South American wool fiber is not generally of such good quality as wool from Australia or South Africa. Much of the South American wool is used by continental manufacturers. The best quality South American wool comes from Montevideo, Uruguay with Buenos Aires, Argentina next. Punta Arenas wool which comes from cross-bred sheep is bulky and is widely used in making hosiery.
Wool Fiber
In Germany, France, Spain, other European countries, and the U.S., the merino has been reared successfully and often provides wool of high quality. Saxony and Silesian merino wools, for example, have the reputation of being the finest in the world. The French Rambouillet is renowned for its high-quality wool.
In China and other parts of Asia, in Turkey and Siberia, the production of wool is of growing importance. The wool is often long and coarse compared with fiber produced in Australia, South Africa, and other great wool-producing countries.
As in the case of cotton and other plant fibers, the quality of wool depends greatly upon the conditions under which it is grown. Wool derives from a living creature, and it is affected not only by the hereditary characteristics of the sheep but by the environment in which the sheep has lived.